Vox AC30: copper and grey panels, Celestion blues and silvers
Mid 1964: serial numbers in the 14000s
Serial number 14592, amp model and number itself machine stamped.
Continued from the page on AC30s with serial numbers in the 13000s. So far no Super Twins with stray numbers in the 14000s have come to light.
Throughout the 14000s, as in the case of amps with numbers in the 13000s, one finds three models: the "Treble", designated with a "T" on its serial number plate; "Normal" voicing designated by an "N", and Bass designated "B". All three had their own schematics, in order: OS/056, OS/065 and OS/057. Some notes on the treble circuit, which was new in 1964, can be found on this page.
"TB" - also stamped on the plate - indicates that the amp was fitted with the Top Boost circuit.
Documents relating to the AC30 in 1964 are being assembled here.
Significant component date codes in amps on this page are mostly of mid 1964: 20th week of the year for a blue Hunts electrolyic capacitors; second quarter of '64 ("B/64") for Mullard "mustard" caps.
Transformers are mostly Albions and Parmekos. At this point, Woden (hitherto used more or less exclusively by Burndept) was designing a simplified and cheaper set of transformers for JMI - see this page. Existing stocks had presumably been used up (deliberately run down).
Both Westrex and Burndept used 1/2 watt brown Dubilier resistors during the course of the 13000s, Burndept having dropped its familiar white Eries earlier in 1964. Burndept chassis are always distinguishable however by the flashes of paint (and red stamps) to indicate voicing; the presence of chassis numbers and the cut-outs in the aluminium preamp upright behind all three cage nuts. A page on the voicing colour codes can be found here. Notes on chassis numbers have been assembled here.
A detail of serial number 14625 (chassis produced by Burndept). At right, the "T" in red of "TREBLE", and above that part obscured by wires, the chassis number. A clear picture of the number can be found in the entry for the amp towards the end of this page. Also in view underneath the "T" one of the three cut-outs in the aluminium behind the cage nut.
Celestion silver alnicos - the T1088 - designed for JMI in the Spring of 1964 did not wholly supercede the Celestion blue - the T530 - at first. Amps with serial numbers in the 14000s tend to have one or other for quite a while. The earliest date codes known for Celestion silvers are from the middle of May.
New grey control panels, which are also to be found sporadically on amps with numbers in 13000s, were used with increasing frequency towards the end of the 14000s.
Most Twins have Burndept-made chassis; those produced by Westrex were generally (though not invariably) alloted to Super Twins.
As mentioned at the head of this page, serial number plates are normally machine stamped. The voicing - "N", "T" or "B" - is still hand stamped, however.
If anyone knows of further amps that should be incorporated on this page, do let me know.
Serial number 14010 T - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Burndept, number 05733. In the preamp, a mixture of WIMA and Mullard mustard capacitors, the latter with date codes "A/64" and "B/64" = first and second quarters of 1964 for their manufacture. The main preamp filter cap. has "WUT" = 16th week of '64. Thanks to Dean for the pictures.
Serial number 14012 T - currently in the UK
Chassis probably assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers. In the preamp, a mixture of WIMA and Mullard mustard caps, the latter with date codes "A4N" and "B4N" = first and second quarters of 1964.
Serial number 14039 B - currently in Europe
A mixture of Mullard mustard and WIMA coupling capacitors in the preamp. Speakers are Celestion silvers - T1088 - which had come in by May 1964. The mustards have the date code B4N = Blackburn factory, second quarter of 1964. One of the blue Hunts electrolytics has the date code "HWT" = 20th week of 1964.
Serial number 14060 - currently in the USA
Existence recorded by Jim Elyea.
Serial number 14062 B - currently in the UK
Chassis number 07244. Assembled by Burndept. Either Parmeko or Albion transformers. A combination of Mullard mustard and WIMA coupling caps in the preamp.
Serial number 14141 T - currently in Germany
Excellent condition. Chassis number 05873. Assembled by Burndept. Albion transformers.
Serial number 14177 TB - currently in Scandinavia
Imported (probably from new) by "Europaisch Musik Import", Denmark for Ahlfors Musikverlag, Malmo. Voltage selector removed and internal fuses added to bring the amplifier into line with local electronic regulations. Albion transformers. In the preamp, Mullard mustard caps with date code "A/64" and "14N" = first quarter of 1964, and at least one Hunts cap. with "SYI" = 50th week of 1963 for its manufacture.
Serial number 14188 T - currently in the UK
Chassis number 05712. Equipped with Celestion blues.
Serial number 14230 - currently in Denmark
Exported to Denmark early on. See also serial number 14317 immediately below. "Europaisk Musik Import" acted as agent/distributor for Vox in Denmark through to 1970 and probably beyond. Voltage and frequency rating whited out on the serial number plate.
Chassis no. 05976. Transformers are Albions. The Mullard mustard capacitors in the preamp have date codes: "B/64" = second quarter of 1964. One of the blue Hunts electrolytic caps has the date code "WIT" = 13th week of '64. Speakers are Celestion blues. At one time the amp had swivel side stands. Thanks to Finn for the pictures.
Serial number 14238 T
Chassis number 06256. In the preamp, Mullard mustard caps with "B4N" = second quarter of 1964, and at least one Hunts cap. with "WYT" = 10th week of 1964 for its manufacture.
Serial number 14259 T - currently in the UK
Serial number 14308 T - currently in the USA
Treble with added Top Boost. The speakers, with terminals on boards between the spokes of the frame, are later (post mid 1966).
Serial number 14309 T - currently in Europe
Chassis number 05901. In the preamp, Mullard mustards with "A/64" and B/64" date codes = first and second quarters of 1964; and Hunts caps with "WIT" and "WUT" = 13th and 16th weeks of 1964. The speakers are later T1088s supplied by Celestion to Thomas Organ in the USA.
Serial number 14309 T - currently in the USA
Chassis assembled by Burndept, chassis number 05901. In the preamp, a mixture of WIMA and Mullard mustard capacitors, the latter with B/64 date codes = second quarter of 1964. The main Hunts preamp filter has "WUT" = 1st week of 1964, and the blue Hunts cathode bypass caps have "WIT" = 3rd week of 1964 for their manufacture.
Serial number 14317 T - currently in Denmark
Probably exported to Denmark early on. In company with serial no. 14230, above, the voltage and frequency rating has been whited out. Speakers are Celestion silvers. The original cover, handsome in orange, still survives.
Serial number 14331 T - currently in Europe
Copper panel. Silver Celestion speakers. The amplifier was exported to Denmark early on - imported by "Europaisk Musik Import", Lille Værløse (a little to the east of Copenhagen) - see also serial number 14230 above.
Serial number 14340 T - currently in the USA
A Treble model with added Top Boost.
Serial number 14358 T - currently in Finland
Chassis assembled by Burndept; chassis number not quite readable. Albion transformers. A mixture of WIMA and Mullard capacitors in the preamp, the latter with 1964 date codes.
Serial number 14359 T - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Burndept; chassis number 06307. Albion transformers (?). Dubilier resistors in the preamp. Mullard mustard caps have "A/64" and "B4N" date codes, respectively first and second quarters of 1964 for their manufacture. Blue Hunts preamp valve cathode bypass caps (now removed) have "WST" and "WAT" = 15th and 18th weeks of 1964. The 250uf cathode bypass cap in the power section has "VC" = March 1964.
Serial number 14388 T - currently in Europe
Chassis assembled by Burndept (number not quite readable). In the preamp, Mullard mustard and WIMA Tropyfoil (Tropyfol) capacitors. The Celestion silvers are later replacements - note the terminal boards between the spokes of the frames.
Serial number 14405 T - currently in the UK
Excellent external condition, original stand and footswitch present. Speakers are Celestion silvers.
Serial number 14471 T - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Burndept. Albion transformers. A mix of WIMA and Mullard capacitors in the preamp.
Serial number 14491 T - currently in Europe
Grrille cloth renewed; two-pin plastic corner protectors added. Chassis number 05805. Albion transformers. A mix of WIMA and Mullard capacitors in the preamp, the latter with B4N date codes = second quarter of 1964. Hunts caps have "WAT" and "HHT" = 19th and 22nd weeks of 1964. One of the original Mullard EL84s has the paint code "LD" = April 1964. Celestion silvers, original wiring present. The cab is numbered "428" in chalk.
Serial number 14513 - currently in Europe
Celestion silvers.
Serial number 14517 T - currently in the UK
Albion transformers. A mix of WIMA and Mullard capacitors in the preamp. Celestion silvers, original wiring in place.
Serial number 14537 T - currently in Europe
Chassis assembled by Burndept. In the preamp WIMA and Mustard capacitors, the latter with date codes "A4N" and "B4N" = first and second quarters of 1964. The original silver Celestion T1088s are still in place.
Serial number 14545 - whereabouts unknown
Serial number plate only for the time being.
Serial number 14592 - currently in Europe
Chassis number 05769. Assembled by Burndept. Parmeko transformers. Mullard and WIMA coupling caps. The Mullards have date codes "A4N","B4N" and "B/64" = first and second quarters of 1964. The speakers are Celestion silvers (T1088).
Serial number 14595 T - currently in the USA
Excellent condition externally, nothing of the electronics though.
Serial number 14607 T - currently in the UK
Chassis number 05912. Very few, if any, changes in the preamp. One of the visible Mullard capacitors has the date code "A4N", three others "B4N" = respectively first and second quarters of 1964. Thanks to Mike for the pictures.
Serial number 14625 T - currently in the UK
Superb condition. Chassis number 05751. Parmeko transformers and choke. The Mullard mustard caps have date codes "A4N" and "B4N"(B/64) = first and second quarters of 1964. The main filter capacitor (chassis top) has the date code "VC" = March 1964. The original silver Celestion T1088s are still in place. Thanks to John for the info.
Serial number 14629 T - currently in the UK
Copper panel, Celestion silver alnico speakers.
Serial number 14676 T - currently in the UK
Copper panel; probably Albion transformers. No shots of the preamp. The cabinet has large vents on top. Speakers are silver Celestion T1088s.
Serial number 14678 - currently in Europe
Grey control panel; Celestion blues.
Serial number 14684 TB
"T" on the serial number plate, as below, serial number 14711, but a Top Boost chassis. Thanks to Hex for the pictures.
Serial number 14698 T - currently in the UK
Chassis number 05237. Stamped "T" on the serial number plate, though the amp is evidently a "Top Boost" model. Original side stands with ball castors still in place. Silver Celestion T1088s. Thanks to Harvey for the pictures.
Serial number 14711 T - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Burndept; Albion transformers; grey panel with integral Top Boost controls. In the preamp, Mullard mustard capacitors with date codes "A/64" and "B4N" = first and second quarters for their manufacture. The main preamp filter cap has the date "WHT" = 12th week of 1964. Silver Celestion T1088s.
Serial number 14712 T - currently in Italy
Serial number 14728 TB - currently in Europe
Serial number 14797 T - currently in the USA
Sold by Heritage Auctions in 2020. Grille cloth probably renewed.
Serial number 14800 - currently in the USA
Existence recorded by Jim Elyea.
Serial number 14832 T - currently in the UK
<A detail of the serial number plate only for the time being. Thanks to Tom for the picture. Interestingly a repro plate was hand-stamped with this very number (as a sort of fiction). The chassis that the repro plate was designed to accompany is much later than the amps on this page though. It can be seen here - entry at the foot of the page.
Serial number 14842 T - currently in the UK
Copper panel. Mullard capacitors with date codes "A/64" and "B4N" = first and second quarters of 1964. The spealer compartment contains one Celestion blue and one Celestion silver, non-original wiring.
Serial number 14862 T - currently in the UK
Brown grille cloth. Chassis assembled by Burndept; Parmeko transformers; copper control panel. In the preamp, Mullard mustards with "B4N" date codes = second quarter of 1964. Silver Celestion T1088s.
Serial number 14864 T
The chassis, assembled by Westrex, did not leave the factory with this cabinet (or serial number plate). There are 0.047uf caps at C7 and C5. Treble models should have 0.01uf. WIMA signal capacitors in the preamp; gold-coloured TCC cathode bypass capacitors in the preamp.
Serial number 14878 TB - currently in the UK
Brown grille cloth. Chassis assembled by Burndept; number 05xxx. Copper control panel. In the preamp, a mix of red-print WIMA and Mullard mustard signal caps, some of the latter with "B/64" date codes = second quarter of 1964. Speakers are now Celestion Greenbacks.
Serial number 14911 T - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Burndept; Albion transformers; grey panel with integral Top Boost controls; still the link voltage selector. Chassis number either 05514 or 06514. In the preamp, Mullard mustard caps with "A4N2 and "B4N" = first and second quarters of 1964.
Serial number 14934 T - currently in the UK
Grey control panel; Celestion silvers. Chassis assembled by Westrex, which is unusual for a Twin. Signal capacitors in the preamp are WIMA Tropyfoil (Tropyfol). The gold-coloured TCC cathode bypass caps have the date code "VF" = June 1964. Note the presence on the chassis of a new-style dome voltage selector.
Serial number 14967 T - currently in the UK
Brown grille cloth; copper control panel; Celestion silvers.
Serial number 14970 T - currently in the USA
Copper control panel; Celestion silvers.
Serial number 14970 TB - currently in the UK
Brown grille cloth; grey control panel; link voltage selector. Original Celestion silvers still in place.
Serial numbers unknown
Serial number 14xxx - currently in Europe
Formerly in the UK, now in Germany
Latest dateable components are the original ECC83s, May 1964. Further pictures on this page.