The Vox AC30 brochure
Spring 1961
The presence of Lonnie Donegan's picture and name on page 1 is a useful clue to the brochure's date. The Vox price-list published in "Melody Maker" on 13th May 1961 gives what had been up to that point the standard roster of artists recorded in price-lists - no Lonnie. Then on 20th May, the advert for the "New Vox Twin" appears. Donegan, who received a new AC30 in time for the third series of his ATV television show, is named, and he remained in the roster of artists mentioned in price-lists through to the end of 1961.
Note also that the picture of The Shadows in the catalogue is much the same as the one that forms part of the "Melody Maker" ad. on the 20th - except that the guitars do not figure. Jet Harris left the band in April 1961, so the picture was slightly out of date at time of printing - but not by much.
Below, a screen-grab from the Donegan show broadcast on 18th May, 1961, Les Bennetts the lead guitarist in view. The AC30 is fleetingly visible in the show broadcast on the 11th.
18th May, 1961.
Front cover.
Page 1. Lonnie Donegan. Cliff Richard, the John Barry Seven, Shirley Douglas and Chas McDevitt, Dave Goldberg, The Shadows.
Page 2. The Vox AC30.
Page 3. The Celestion blue speaker and the AC30/6 control panel.
Page 4. Chassis and rear view of the AC30.
Page 5. The Vox AC15. More on AC15s on these pages.
Page 6. The Vox AC10.
Page 7. The Vox AC2. There is more on the AC2 on this page.
Page 8. "Aids to Music" - Reslo microphone, Meazzi Echo, Volume Pedal, Accordion microphone, Vibravox, and PA speaker.
Page 9. Specifications of items on the previous page.
Page 10. The Dallas Boys, Henry Krein, Jack Emblow, and Martin Lukins.
Rear cover.