Vox AC30/4 serial number 4447N - details

Spring 1961

For general views of the amp, and a short introduction, .

More information on AC30/4s with serial numbers in the 4000s .

Simple holes in the chassis for screws fixing to the slider board - no cage nuts.

TCC filter capacitor with date code "SC" = March 1961.

Radiospares choke.

Haddon output transformer - JMI part number OH/083.

Haddon mains transformer.

Haddon mains transformer - top of shround.

The green TCC capacitor has the date code "RJ" = September 1960. The Mullard mustard caps - replacements for the original black WIMA Tropydurs - have "D4N" = last quarter of 1964.

Tone pot with date code "CI" = March 1961.

Speakers reconed.

