Vox AC30 Super Twins - later 1964 to 1967
Serial numbers 3000 - 6000
"AC30 S/T" "05563 T/B" - Super Twin serial number 5563, Top Boost.
For Super Twins with serial numbers in the range 2500-2999, see this page.
Note that from the 4000s, the serial numbers of Super Twins and Super Reverb Twins overlap with older AC30s. But one can always tell old from new. Old numbers are hand stamped and have four digits. New numbers are machine stamped and have five, as in the example above. The model is generally made clear: "AC30 S/T" or "AC30 S/T" "RV" - sometimes "REV".
The voicing of the amplifier is generally designated on the plate too: "N" = Normal, "T" = Treble, and "B" = Bass. Chassis with Top Boost controls on their panels were normally designated "TB".
Details relating to Super Twin Reverbs will be provided on a series of dedicated pages shortly.
The chassis that went into Super Twin amplifier cabinets at this point in production were mainly assembled by Westrex, though one does find examples made by Burndept. When JMI's contract came to an end in mid 1965, Burndept became prime mover.
A design for the Super Twin amplifier section registered by JMI with the Patent Office on the 28th August 1964. The other pictures submitted to the Office will be made available shortly (Nov. 2021) on a new page.
Production slope-sided cabinets for AC30 Super Twins took a different form - see below - and did not really come "on stream" in numbers until early 1965. Many were exported to the USA. For the time being, slope-sided amplifiers have their own section below. However, wooden cabinets are simply wooden cabinets; and there was certainly no overnight change from "square-sided" to slope.
For the most part, almost all amplifier and speaker cabinets were finished in basketweave vinyl. The black grille cloth, again pretty much standard, has faded in many cases to a dark brown. Control panels are normally grey. Speakers are Celestion T1088s (silver or technically "poly grey") at first, and later in 1966, ceramic T1225s, used also in Vox 7-series speaker cabinets.
A detail from the JMI pricelist of November 1965. It is extremely uncommon to find illustrations of the AC30 Super Twin in promotional literature after 1964. The AC30 Super Reverb Twin was illustrated, however, in the USA until 1966.
Full swivel trolleys were introduced in late 1964 / early 1965, though generally (operative word) only for AC30 Super Twin Reverbs. The earliest have a rectangular "basket" on top, wider than the parallel bars, to support the amplifier. Survivals are extremely scarce. Later one finds "standard" trolleys with plain parallel bars. The "basket" was phased out due to cost.
Below, a detail of a shot taken in the display area - a sort of mini showroom - at the Erith Works in early 1965. In view two AC30 Super Twins, still with rectangular amplifier section boxes, and behind, a 2x15" cabinet. Note on both Super Twins the VOX logo composed of single letters, typical of serial numbers in the 3300-3600 range where rectangular amplifier section cabs are concerned.
Single letter logos are found on AC30 Twins of the same date - serial numbers in the high 17000s / low 18000s.
Note that the storing, sale, and despatch of finished amplifiers was not always an orderly process, especially following the fire at the West Street Works in December 1965. The details below show AC30 Super Twins at point of despatch in late April 1967. The spread of Super Twin serial numbers runs from 03239 to 04321. Yet further below on this page, one can see that serial number 04831 was purchased on 8th January 1966.
AC30 Super Twin boxes awaiting despatch in the Vox Works, Erith, late April 1967 - composite picture.
If anyone knows of further early Super Twins that should be incorporated on this page, do let me know.
Serial numbers 3000 - 6000
Serial number 3003 N - currently in the USA
Chassis assembled by Burndept; chassis number 02705. The Woden mains transformer has the date code "JU" = September 1963; the choke "HU" = August 1963; and the output transformer "KU" = October '63. The chassis may not be original to the box (which has been recovered) and its serial number plate. The serial number plate covers a hole for a top boost unit (none ever fitted to the chassis now in the box). The white warning plaque is a reproduction.
Serial number 3017 B - currently in the USA
Chassis assembled by Burndept - number 7115. The footswitch is later. Mains and output transformers are Albions, the choke Parmeko. In the preamp, one of the blue Hunts cathode bypass capacitors has the date code "HWT" = 21st week of 1964. The Mullard "mustard" caps have B/64 = second quarter of '64. The amp came up for sale here earlier this year (2020).
A detail, slightly blown up, of the serial number on the amp above.
Note that serial number 3017 is also found on a Super Reverb Twin (grey panel) - on this page.
Serial number 3021 N - currently in the USA
Hand stamped serial number plate. Assembled by Westrex for JMI. A Treble model - thanks to Brian for the new info. Albion transformers. Main filter capacitors have date codes "UF", "UG", and "UM", respectively June, July and December 1963. The cathode bypass cap is dated "UM", and the cement 50Ω cathode resistor "VA" = January 1964. Still the link voltage selector.
Serial number 3045 T - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion Transformers; grey control panel. Link voltage selector. In the preamp, WIMA Tropyfol capacitors. The main TCC filter capacitor has the date code "VF" = June 1964. In the power section, the cathode bypass resistor has "VB" = February 1964, and the bypass cap. "VF" = June '64.
Serial number 3050 N - whereabouts unknown
Serial number and voicing still hand stamped.
Serial number 3072 TB - currently in Austria
Exported to Sweden (Malmo) via Europaisk Musik Import, JMI's principal agent in Scandinavia. Voltage selector removed and fuses added to bring the amp into conformity with local electrical regulations. A relatively late instance of a copper panel Top Boost chassis - assembled by Westrex, Parmeko mains transformer, Albion choke. In the preamp, brown 1/2 watt Dubilier resistors and WIMA signal capacitors. The main preamp filter has the date code "UG" = July 1963. The gold-coloured TCC cathode bypass caps appear to have "UF" = June 1963. Thanks to Stefan for the pictures.
Serial number 3073 TB - currently in Sweden
Nothing further is known about this amp at present.
Serial number 3118 T - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers. Grey control panel; link voltage selector. The preamp thoroughly renewed, so no original date codes visible.
Serial number 3134 T - currently in Australia
Dimpled vinyl; black vents on the box. Still with its original early-style hangtag ("VOX" in cursive). Currently On Reverb here.
New-style dome voltage selectors from this point
Serial number 3143 T - currently in the UK
Sold on ebay in 2005.
Serial number 3239 TB - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967, see the photo in the intro.
Serial number 3293 N - currently in the UK
Sold on ebay some time ago.
Serial number 3300 B - currently in the Netherlands
Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers; link voltage selector. Bass voicing. In the preamp, WIMA red-print signal capacitors. The Egen tone pot has the date code "EL" = May 1964. The gold-coloured TCC 25uf cathode bypass caps have "VF" = June '64. Thanks to Thomas for the pictures.
Serial number 3304 B
The plate, sold on its own.
Serial number 3307 T - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967.
Serial number 3332 B
Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers; link voltage selector. Bass voicing. In the preamp, WIMA Tropyfol capacitors. The gold-coloured TCC cathode bypass caps have the date code "VF" = June 1964. The chassis is now in an AC30 Twin cabinet.
Serial number 3349 T - currently in the USA
Serial number and voicing hand stamped. The cabinets have been revamped. Chassis assembled by Westrex and signed off on the underside "DP" in pencil; Albion transformers. Dome voltage selector. The tone cut pot has the date code "FL" = June 1964. One of the Celestion blue (T530) speakers has the date code "30LF" = 30th December 1961 - evidently from another source.
Serial number 3389 TB - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967.
Machine-stamped serial number plates certainly from this point
Serial number 3411 TB
See below, slope-sided cabinet section.
Serial number 3431 TB
See below, slope-sided cabinet section. Woden transformers with "HV" and "JV" date codes = August and September 1964 for their manufacture. Silver Celestion T1088s with Pulsonic cone code 50H1777.
Serial number 3470 TB
See below, slope-sided cabinet section.
Serial number 3485 B - currently in Europe
The chassis is much later than one would normally expect to find at this point - late 1966 or even early 1967 - red Lemco capacitors, blue Dubiliers, and light blue Hunts cathode bypass caps with fine white print in the preamp (date code 10th week of 1966). The Woden output transformer has the date code "KX" = October 1966.
Serial number 3537 T
See below, slope-sided cabinet section.
Serial number 3549 B
Exterior shots only. Still the square-sided cabinet. Dome voltage selector. Machine-stamped serial number on the plate.
Serial number 3597 T
See below, slope-sided cabinet section.
Serial number 3612 B - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967.
Serial number 3615 TB - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967.
Serial number 3617 B - currently in Italy
Serial number machine stamped. Thanks to Fabrizio, a new set of pictures below:
Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers. At some later point, a top boost module has been added to the preamp. The main TCC preamp filter capacitor looks as though it had the date code "VG" = August 1964. The baffle of the speaker cabinet is made of chipboard (particle board), indicating manufacture by Gla-Rev, one of JMI's contracted cabinet makers. The T1088s speakers (with "RIC" cones) are from mid 1966 or later - it may be that the cab was returned to factory so that the defective originals could be replaced.
Serial number 3620 B - currently in the UK
Amplifier section only. Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers. Grey control panel. A slot (rather than dome) voltage selector. WIMA signal capacitors throughout the preamp. A BASS flag on the front grille. Machine-stamped serial number plate. The original preamp valves look to be in place, two of the yellow-print ECC83s have with paint code "LD" = April 1964.
Serial number 3625 T - currently in Scandinavia
Excellent condition internally and externally. Chassis assembled by Westrex. One of the Celestions replaced with a modern blue. The voltage selector removed, additional fuses fitted, and the number of AC cycles deleted on the serial number plate - to conform with Scandinavian electrical legislation.
Serial number 3631 T - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Westrex. Dome voltage selector. One of the TCC bypass caps in the preamp has the date code "VF" = June 1964.
Serial number 3642 B - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967.
Serial number 3649 B - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers; WIMA signal and coupling caps in the preamp. Above, pictures of the amplifier section, originally sold on its own and with its "VOX" logo complete. It is now (August 2020) on Reverb with a speaker cabinet.
Serial number 3651 B - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967.
Serial number 3660 - currently in the UK
The amp has a grey panel. Speaker cabinet, which is earlier, has Celestion blues with February 1964 date codes. Thanks to David for the info and the picture.
Slope-sided amplifier cabinets
These were it seems introduced in the low 3400s, the earliest instance taht has coming to light so far (if box and chassis are original to one another) being serial number 3411.
Serial number 3411 TB - currently in the UK
Amplifier section only - apparently used for many years to drive the speakers of an AC30 Twin cabinet.
Serial number 3431 TB
Amplifier section and speaker cabinet. Chassis assembled by Burndept. The Woden transformers have "HV" and "JV" date codes = August and September 1964 for their manufacture. Silver Celestion T1088s with Pulsonic cone code 50H1777.
Serial number 3470 - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Burndept. Dome voltage selector. The tops of the Woden mains and output transformers have been cleaned, removing all legends; the choke has date code "JV" = September '64. In the preamp Mullard mustard capacitors with date codes "B4N" and "B/64".
Serial number 3537 T
Amplifier section only. Chassis assembled by Westrex. Albion (?) transfprmers. In the preamp, WIMA Tropyfol capacitors.
Serial number 3597 T - currently in the USA
Chassis assembled by Westrex, voltage selector now removed. Grille cloth and handle are replacements from the Rose Morris era (late 1970s / early 1980s).
Serial number 3863 - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers. WIMA signal and coupling capacitors in the preamp. The chassis is marked "165" in red crayon. A number of other Westrex-made amps are similiarly marked.
Serial number 3914 B - currently in Spain
Chassis assembled by Burndept. Mains transformer and choke have the date code "JV" = October 1964. The pots have "IL" and "JL" = October and November 1964; and the Mullard mustard capacitors "B/64" and "C/64" = second and third quarters of '64. The speaker cabinet is later though - probably mid 1966. Note the board for the solder terminals on the Celestion T1088s. Thanks to Jose for the pictures.
Serial number 3919 T - currently in Europe
With added Top Boost on the back panel.
Serial number 3981 TB
The serial number plate is now on an AC30 Twin, recovered in fawn vinyl.
Serial number 3984 TB - currently in Europe
Chassis number 9750. Hand stamped number on the plate. The Woden output transformer has the date code "JV" = September 1964.
Serial number 3985 TB - currently in Europe
Serial number plate hand stamped. Woden transformers, the mains unit with the date code "BV" = February 1964. Original Celestion blues?
Serial number 3990 - currently in Germany
Sold on ebay some time ago.
Serial number 4002 - currently in Europe
Thanks to Göran for info on the amp's existence.
Serial number 4033 - currently in Sweden
Nothing further known at present.
Serial number 4037 TB
Now with a copper panel chassis from some other amp. On the serial number plate the voltage ratings have been crossed out - typical for an amp exported to Scandinavia. Nothing is known of the speakers in the speaker cabinet.
Serial number 4049 B - whereabouts unknown
Chassis assembled by Burndept; number 10139. Mains and output transformers renewed. In the preamp the main filter cap has the date code "VJ" = September 1964. Serial number plate is hand stamped (as 4037 above).
Serial number 4056 B - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967.
Serial number 4179 TB - currently in Europe
With its speaker cabinet (type of back - open or closed - unknown). Top boost controls in panel, no mention on the serial number plate.
Serial number 4215 - currently in Europe
With open-back speaker cabinet and original covers. Top Boost controls in panel. The speakers (silver Celestions) lack their VOX labels. The dealer's plaque can be seen on top of the speaker cabinet. Thanks to Ralf for the pictures.
Serial number 4221 TB - currently in Europe
With open-back speaker cabinet. Chassis assembled by Burndept, chassis number 12727. Woden mains transformer with date code "HW" = August 1965; output with "EW" = May 1965. In the preamp, Mullard capacitors have "D4N" = last quarter 1964; plain TCC filter capacitor with "VF" = June 1964; one of the gold-coloured TCC cathode bypass caps has "WF" = June 1965.
Serial number 4222 - currently in Europe
Chassis number 12527. Top Boost controls in panel, but the amp is not designated as such on the serial number plate. The Woden transformers have date codes "MW" = December 1965; choke with "GX" = July 1966.
Serial number 4259 B - currently in Europe
Chassis assembled by Burndept, bass voicing. In the preamp, Hunts cathode bypass caps with date codes "HIT" = 23rd week 1964, and "HNT" = 27th week of 1964. Visible Mullard mustard caps have "B/64" = second quarter of 1964.
Serial number 4277 T - currently in the USA
Serial number 4284 TB
Chassis assembled by Burndept, number 13545. Signs of later production - later than one would expect at this point - Woden output transformer "JX" = September 1966, choke "HX" = August '66. In the preamp, red and yellow Lemco capacitors.
Serial number 4287 TB
Thanks to Glen for the picture.
Serial number 4293 TB
An old-style rectangular case with corner protectors, black grille cloth. Top Boost in panel. Photos of the exterior only.
Serial number 4313 B
Amplifier and speaker cabinet set with original trolley. In the preamp, Mullard mustard caps with "B4N" date codes = second quarter of 1964 for their manufacture, and gold-coloured TCC bypass caps with "WE" = May 1965.
Serial number 4321 T - whereabouts unknown
Pictured at the Vox Works late April 1967.
Serial number 4354 - currently in the USA
Top boost on the back panel.
Serial number 4452 - currently in the UK
Further details to come
Serial number 4593 - currently in Sweden
Nothing further known at present.
Fire at the West Street Works, December 1965
A substantial gap in the sequence here - 4500s to 4700s - possibly as a result of the fire, which put the Works out of commission until Spring 1966. Production continued in a nearby building made over to JMI by Burndept, but it took some time to get things back on an even footing. Where that leaves serial number 4222TB, above, is not clear.
It may be though that boxes bearing plates with serial numbers in the 4200s were fitted out with chassis after the fire - ie. in 1966 - to make saleable items.
Serial number 4713
With open-back speaker cabinet. Amplifier and speaker cab sections now with brown Rose Morris Vox grille cloth.
Serial number 4732 - currently in the UK
Sold on ebay some time ago.
Serial number 4744 - currently in the USA
Amplifier and speaker cabinet set. The speaker cab has a fully closed back. Chassis numbver 10424. The Woden mains and output transformers have the date code "KV" = October 1964, the choke "AW" = January 1965. See also serial number 4831, below. Visible Mullard mustard capacitors are dated "B/64" and "C4N" = second and third quarters of 1964. The main preamp filter cap has "VH" = August 1964. The gold-coloured TCC cathode bypass cap. also looks to have "VH" = August 1964. Speakers are Celestion ceramic T1225s (as used in the Vox 7-series amplifiers), date code "18LL" = 18th November 1966.
Serial number 4772 - currently in the USA
Serial number 4781 - currently in the UK
Amplifier section only.
Serial number 4784 - currently in the USA
In company with serial number 4744, above, and 4831, below, the Woden mains and output transformers have the date code "KV" = October 1964, and the choke "AW" = January 1965. The main preamp filter capacitor has "VJ" = September '64.
Serial number 4788 - currently in Australia
Chassis number 10493. The Woden transformers have the date code "LV" = November 1964. In the preamp, Mullard mustard capacitors with date codes "A/64" and "B/64" = first and second quarters of 1964 respectively. Thanks to Pete for the pictures.
Serial number 4811
Amplifier and speaker cabinet set. The speaker cab has an open back. Chassis assembled by Westrex, signed off in pencil by "DP". Albion transformers. The tone pot has the date code "IL" = September 1964. One of the gold-coloured TCC bypass caps in the preamp has "WF" = June 1965.
Serial number 4817 - currently in Europe
With open-back speaker cabinet and original covers. Chassis assembled by Burndept, number 10222. In the preamp, blue Hunts 25uf capacitor with the date code "TTT" = 44th week 1964. The Mullard mustards have "A/64", "B4N", and "C4N", respectively the first, second and third quarters of 1964.
Serial number 4821 - currently in Canada
Chassis assembled by Burndept, number 10542. Woden transformers with date code "KV" = October 1964; choke with "JV" = September '64. In the preamp, WIMA and Mullard mustard capacitors, the latter mostly with "B/64" date codes = second quarter of 1964. One of the blue Hunts cathode bypass caps has "IUT" = 36th week of 1964. Thanks to Sean for the info and pics.
Serial number 4831 N - currently in the USA
Purchased on 8th January, 1966. Complete with its covers and original documentation. The Woden transformers have the date code "KV" = October 1964, and the choke "AW" = January 1965. Mullard mustard capacitors are "B4N" and "C4N" = second and third quarters of 1964. The main preamp filter capacitor, along with the gold-coloured TCC cathode bypass cap., has the code "VJ" = September '64. The speakers are silver Celestion alnicos (T1088).
Serial number 4834 - currently in Spain
The Woden transformers have the date code "KV" = October 1964, and the choke "AW" = January 1965. The main filter capacitor in the preamp has "VH" = August 1964.
Serial number 5296 TB - currently in the USA
Top boost controls in panel. Woden transformers and choke with date codes "HW", "JW" and "LW" = respectively August, September and November 1965. In the preamp, WIMA and Mullard mustard capacitors.
Serial number 5438 N - currently in the USA
Amplifier section paired with an earlier speaker cabinet. The Woden output transformer and choke have the date code "KX" = October 1966. Red Lemco and blue Dubilier capacitors in the preamp. The blue Hunts/Erie cathode bypass caps have "UYA" = 1966, 9th week. The serial number is hand stamped.
Serial number 5549 - currently in France
Still a slope sided amplifier section cabinet. Perhaps at one time a Top Boost unit on the back panel - a plate with further speaker sockets now fixed over the opening.
The amplifier cabinets below are "square" sided rather than sloped
Entry for serial number 5045 removed (November 2024). The number is in actual fact 3045.
Serial number 5241 TB
Paired with an AC50 speaker cabinet. The serial number plate of the amplifier is hand stamped. The chassis is much as one would expect at this point in time - red Lemco and blue Dubilier capacitors in the preamp, Woden transformers with date codes "KX" = October 1966. The cabinet, however, has only three vents. The two below have six (three pairs).
Serial number 5485 B - currently in Malta
Chassis number 13771. The Woden transformers have the date code "KX" = October 1966. The preamp, which is in immaculate original condition, has red Lemco and blue Dubilier capacitors. The blue Hunts cathode bypass caps have "UYA" = 1966, 9th week. Thanks to Alexei for the pictures.
Serial number 5553 TB
Super Twin amplifier section only (square-edged box). The Woden choke has a date code ending in "X" = 1966, the letter for the month not visible. Red Lemco and blue Dubilier capacitors in the preamp. The main preamp filter has the date code "SWS" = 51st week of 1965.
Serial number 5563 TB - currently in Switzerland
Chassis number 14542. The amp is in superb condition. The Woden transformers have 1966 date codes. Pictures from Yeahman's Vintage & Used Guitars, where the set is currently (January 2021) available. Thanks to Michael.
Serial number 5584 - currently in the USA
Sold on ebay some time ago.
Serial number 5596 TB - currently in Europe
Chassis number 25139. The Woden mains and output transformers have the date code "BZ" = February 1968, and the choke "CZ" = March 1968. At least one of the Mullard mustard capacitors in the preamp has "D7N" = last quarter of 1967 for its manufacture. See the pics below.
Serial number 5600 TB - currently in Germany
The amplifier section, which bears the 1960s shop plaque of "Musikhaus Hummel" in Frankfurt, is rectangular rather than trapezoid, as above. The speaker cabinet, which contains one pre-mid 1966 T1088 and one post-mid 1966 T1088, bears the standard VOX logo used on the solid state range of amps. Nothing is currently known about the chassis. The original covers for both sections - amplifier and speaker cabinet - survive.
Serial number 5645 B - currently in the UK
Fairly extensively renovated. The original transformers are still present though: Albion mains, and Woden output with the date code "BZ" = February 1968.