Vox AC30: copper panels
Late 1963 to early 1964: serial numbers in the 9000s
Serial number 9038 B.
Continued from the page on AC30s with serial numbers in the 8000s. Amps below are mostly covered in black basket-weave vinyl.
Vox contracted out the assembly of AC30 chassis to two companies: Burndept Electronics in Erith, and Westrex in Dollis Hill (north London). A sure sign of production by Burndept is the presence of a stamped serial number on the aluminium upright of the preamp (normally on the right hand side a little way below the voltage selector):
Detail of serial number 9916. Chassis number 02607. The sequence began at 1000, but chassis awaiting assembly were not used in any particular order.
Also indicative of production by Burndept at this stage is the presence of Woden transformers with handsome green shrouds. Serial numbers in the 9000s have date codes for 1963, the letter for the year being "U".
Mains transformer in serial number 9916 - "72318 & J/82" is the Jennings part number (for re-ordering). The transformers were specially made for JMI and do not figure in amps made by other makers. The date code is "HU" = August 1963.
The Woden part numbers were, in order: mains transformer now no. 72318 (in place of the earlier 66309); output transformer no. 66310; and the choke no. 66311.
A good indication that a chassis was assembled by Westrex is the presence of Albion tranformers. Dark brown 1/2 watt Dubilier resistors are found along with white Eries.
Cabinets are for the most part covered in black basketweave vinyl, though some have pebble (dimpled). Back boards as a rule now have radiused corners rather than square. Towards the end of the 9000s one begins to find cabs with chipboard baffles (rather than of birch ply) - normally taken to be a sign of manufacture by the Gla-Rev company (one of JMI's contract cabinet makers). A page on cabinets can be found here.
Four amps on this page have one or more handles with an empty rectangular panel at their centre, no "VOX" logo - serial numbers 9185, 9253, 9507, 9978. The handles on number 9775 have empty lozenges (rather than rectangles) and are probably repro.
Speakers continue to be the Celestion blue (alnico magnet, Celestion part no. T530). Those in serial number 9434 have December 1963 date codes.
Serial number plates are still hand stamped. Just to note again, "N" indicates "Normal" voicing (schematic OA/026 and OS/065), "B" is bass voicing. No early schematic survives for the bass circuit, though in relevant respects most amps (from 1962 on) follow OS/065, drawn in September 1964.
Where component date codes are concerned, speakers consistently have the latest - i.e. later than any of those on the electronic components used in chassis. An overview of AC30s with dated speakers can be found on this page.
The page on AC30s with serial numbers in the 7000s, is here, and the page on serial numbers in the 8000s here.
If anyone knows of further early copper panel AC30s that should be incorporated on this page, do let me know.
Serial number 9038 B - currently in Europe
Currently here.
Serial number 9066 B - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Westrex. In the preamp, WIMA red-print signal capacitors. The small gold-coloured TCC cathode bypass electrolytics have date codes "TM" = December 1962, and "UC" = March 1963. The main preamp filter cap. has "UG" = July 1963. The "BASS" flag is on the vinyl, top front, rather than on the grille cloth, lower right.
Serial number 9078 B - currently in the Netherlands
Chassis assembled by Westrex. Haddon transformers, one of which has a date stamp = "22nd July 19"[63]. Original factory Top Boost module on the back panel. Two of what look to be the original yellow-print Mullard preamp valves survive - both with paint codes "KI" = September 1963.
Serial number 9158 B - currently in Europe
The cabinet currently contains a copper panel chassis (assembled by Westrex) with integrated Top Boost controls. The back panel has a cut out for an add-on Top Boost unit now covered by the serial number plate. The speakers may be original to the cabinet.
Serial number 9185 - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers. As above, red-print WIMAs in the preamp. No component date codes are evident in the available pictures, but they are unlikely to be much different from those of serial number 9066, above. The cabinet handles have blank panels in their centres, no "VOX" logo.
Serial number 9194 B
Black basketweave vinyl. Original Celestion blues still in place. All capacitors have been renewed, a home-made top boost unit added.
Serial number 9195 N - currently in Australia
Thanks to Marcus, pics of serial number 9195N with added Top Boost - superb condition, probably third quarter of 1963. Chassis assembled by Westrex; Albion transformers. The pots have "DK" date codes = April '63; and the main preamp filter cap has "U" certainly and probably "UE" = May 1963. The original cover survives.
Serial number 92xx N - currently in Canada
Normal voicing, Top Boost added on the back panel. Chassis assembled by Burndept. The Woden transformers have October 1963 date codes; cathode resistor 47ohms. Probably pebble vinyl originally, now black basketweave. The speakers are later replacements - silver Celestion T1088s.
Serial number 9253 N - currently in Europe
Serial number 9335 - currently in the USA
Existence reported by Jim Elyea.
Serial number 9365 N - currently in the USA
A Twin and Super Twin speaker cabinet re-covered in fabulous sparkle vinyl.
Serial number 9370 N
A Super Twin, black basketweave vinyl, cut-out (now unused) for Top Boost controls on the back panel of the amplifier section.
Serial number 9394 N - currently in the USA
Basketweave vinyl. Both amp and cab have features which generally come in later - black vents and silver alnico speakers.
Serial number 9396 B
An AC30 Twin. The box, if not the original now modified, looks later - three large plastic vents on top. Broken up and sold as bits, 2024.
The plate, sold on ebay.uk in later 2024.
Serial number 9423 N
Exterior shots only. Original handles gone, but otherwise in reasonable condition. Voltage selector removed and number of cycles struck out on the serial number plate, so used for some time in Scandinavia (perhaps imported early on). One Celestion blue, one Rola Celestion Greenback.
Serial number 9434 N - currently in the UK
Chassis no. 02238. The Woden transformers have the date code "KU" = November 1963. The green ceramic Welwyn cathode resistor (underchassis) has "UM" = December 1963. The Celestions have "07LH" = 7th November, 1963.
Serial number 9467 N
Exterior shots only. Thin finely dimpled vinyl, torn away in places (as on other amps on this page). Centre handle no longer present. Original Celestion blues look to be in place (and the egg-shaped footswitch).
Serial number 9479 N - currently in the UK
Pebble (dimpled) black vinyl. The Woden transformers have the date code "JU" = September 1963.
Serial number 9507 N - currently in the UK
Black textured vinyl. Thanks to Richard for the pictures.
Serial number 9535 B - currently in the UK
As above, pebble (dimpled) black vinyl. Further pictures to follow. The preamp has Mullard mustard caps with the date code "A4N" = first quarter of 1964 - original or later additions? There are also mustards with "D4N" date codes = last quart of 1964.
Serial number 9541 B - currently in the UK
Thanks to Adrian for details of the amp's existence.
Serial number 9563 N - currently in Europe
External shots only. Cabinet covered in black finely dimpled vinyl. What look to be the original handles and brass vents are present. No shots of the speakers.
Serial number 9577 - currently in Europe
Serial number 9642 B
Pebble vinyl, brass vents on top of the cabinet.
Serial number 9644 N - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Burndept. Woden transformers with "KU" date codes = September 1963. In the preamp, WIMA signal capacitors. The main Hunts preamp filter cap has the date code "IUI" = 36th week of 1963. Speakers are more recent production Celestion blues. Cabinet nicely recovered in beige/fawn.
Serial number 9664 B - currently in the USA
A Super Twin amplifier section. Pictures only of the exterior for the time being.
Below, a more recent set of pictures illustrating the original cover for the amplifier section and an AC30 Super Twin speaker cabinet with modern (repro) brown grille cloth and added handles:
Serial number 9677 B - currently in the UK
A Super Twin, Bass flag on the amplifier front. The Woden mains transformer has the date code "JU" = September 1963. The output transformer has "LU" = November 1963.
Serial number 9707N
Serial number plate known, but no details of the amp.
Serial number 9715 B - currently in the UK
Thanks to John for the pictures.
Serial number 9725 N - currently in the UK
Excellent cosmetic condition. Dimpled/pebble pattern dark grey vinyl. Original brown cover (heavy vinyl) survives.
Serial number 9753 N
Serial number 9775 B - currently in the UK
Chassis no. 2412. New orange basket-weave vinyl. Woden transformers with date codes "HU" and "JU" = August and September 1963.
Serial number 9781 N - currently in the UK
Choke replaced. The Woden mains and output transformers have the date code "AV" = January 1964.
Serial number 9790 - currently in the USA
Existence reported by Jim Elyea.
Serial number 97xx N - currently in the UK
Only the voicing ("Normal") and the first two digits of the serial number given by the seller..
Serial number 9799 B - currently in the UK
Chassis assembled by Burndept, chassis number 02569. The Woden transformers have date codes "KU" and "LU" = October and November 1963. In the preamp, WIMAs throughout; the Hunts preamp filter cap has "IDI" = 38th week of 1963. The cabinet is covered in black textured vinyl.
Serial number 9834 B - currently in the USA
Chassis no. 02685. Assembled by Burndept. The Woden mains transformer has date code "KU" = October 1963. Only one component renewed in the preamp. When purchased by the present owner the cabinet had tan-coloured un-patterned grille cloth, later replaced with Rose-Morris Vox (along with two-pin corner protectors), then the present re-issue cloth. The Celestion blues are replacements, the originals having been replaced by Fanes. The booklet came with the amp. Thanks to Pat for the pictures and info.
New black vents begin to be seen at this point
Serial number 9851 N - currently in the UK
The serial number plate is a later addition to the amp and cabinet on which it now travels. The cabinet is of the older type with square corners for the backboards, and may have been recovered in pebble vinyl at factory. The amplifier chassis, which belongs with the cabinet, dates from early 1962.
Serial number 9885 - currently in the UK
Further pictures to come. The Woden transformers have the date code "AV" = January 1964. Chassis assembled by Burndept.
Serial number 9916 B - currently in Europe
Chassis produced by Burndept, no. 2607. The Woden transformer has the date code "KU" = October 1963.
Serial number 9917 N - currently in Europe
Chassis number 02333. Dimpled (pebble) vinyl. Woden transformers with date codes "HU", "JU" and "KU" = August, September and October 1963.
Serial number 9922 N - currently in Europe
Serial number 9952 N - currently in the UK
A Super Twin. Top boost controls on the back panel. Picture to follow
Serial number 9956 N - currently in the UK
Serial number 9958 N - currently in the UK
Serial number 9978 N - currently in the USA
Textured vinyl (not basketweave), single pin corner protectors, black vents. The control knobs are now brown Dakaware (US) chickenheads. The centre cabinet handle has a blank panel, no "VOX" logo.
Serial number 9979 N - currently in the UK
A nice Super Twin with top boost and an original set of covers.
Serial number 9986 B - currently in the UK
Assembled by Burndept. The Woden output transformer and choke have the date code "KU" = October 1963, and the mains transformer "LU" = November '63. Visible date codes on the Mullard mustard caps are "B3N", "D3N", and "?4W" = respectively the second and last quarters of 1963, and some quarter (unknown) of 1964.
2022 / 2023: below the plate removed from the amp, probably indicating that its various elements - chassis, speakers, cabinet - have now been "re-purposed".
Serial number 9988 N - currently in Europe
Black vinyl. Chassis assembled by Burndept. The Woden mains transformer has the date code "KU" = September 1963. WIMA capacitors in the preamp.
Currently in the USA
Woden transformers have the date code "JU" = September 1963.
Currently in the USA
Woden transformers have the date code "KU" = October 1963. The speakers (Celestion silvers) are later replacements. One of the blue Hunts cathode bypass caps has the date code "WSI" = 15th week of 1963. Top boost is a later add-on - one can seen the "shadow" left by the serial number plate, now moved to the right.
Currently in the USA
Chassis number appears to begin 021xx. Woden transformers again with the date code "KU" = October 1963.
Currently in the USA
Woden transformers with date code "KU" = October 1963. Note the Burndept inspection stamp in the preamp.